If you want to add more details in your business/client details in the Billed To/Billed by section in your invoices & other accounting documents, you can do that with custom fields.

  1. In the Billed to/ Billed by section, you will see an "Edit" icon as shown below.


3. When you click on the Edit icon, a new modal will open up. Go to "Additional Details"  and click on "Add Custom Field"

5. Under "Add Custom Field" you will two additional fields -  Field Type & Label 

Field Type helps you select from multiple formats like text, date, currency, and more.  A label is nothing but the name of the field.  Once done, click on save to continue.

That's it! You have successfully created a custom field. Once you create a custom field, it will automatically show up in your future invoices & other accounting documents so that you don't have to keep adding it every time!