If all your documents are synced successfully, that means you can start using the advanced accounting features from now!
First, let's understand what happens when the documents are synced.
After the sync is done successfully, these four things will happen:
Refrens will automatically create & sync accounts for all your clients & vendors
Refrens will also create & sync accounts for sales tax a/c, purchase tax a/c, Invoice credit a/c, expense debit a/c, etc.
Different Vouchers for invoices, expenses, etc. will be created & synced automatically
Refrens will automatically pass the ledger entries for all the synced accounts
Okay, But what are you expected to do?
Start exploring all the advanced accounting features. You can view reports like balance sheets, trial balances, income statements, etc. from Accounting > Account Reports
Go to Advanced Accounting in the sidebar. Explore all the accounts, vouchers, and account groups. You can Edit them OR create new ones according to your preference.
Add your team members and CA to Refrens. See How>